
Monday, May 14, 2007

Training and other stuff

Recently I have been on and off the fence about pursuing training other dogs. Though training Gunther can be a joyful handful at times, I love every minutes of it. And helping people with their dogs is an amazing feeling. So with the mentoring of a few trainer friends and TONS of reading, dvd's, etc, I'm going to start working with a few dogs. I joined the Association of Pet Dog Trainers and will be adding their logo to Gunther's blog soon. The areas that I will focus on will be Manners for all ages, Basic Obedience, Rally Obedience, Behavioral Counter-Conditioning and CGC Preparation. These will be private or semi-private lessons.

Gunther has been doing wonderful. He's 127 pounds now and is still such a big ole puppy. There are a few shows around that if things go well, Gun will start competing in Rally. In June there is a fun match not to far from us and I think that will be our start. Then in July there is a Rally match in Savannah. (Beautiful Savannah, GA. any excuse to go there is a good excuse!) So cross your fingers. One of the biggest things that has kept us from competing is just scheduling problems, but I think we will be ok on for these dates.

I'll have some new pictures of the Gum-Man coming soon!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh, I'm so excited for both of you! I really notice how getting a little older is affecting how obediant my boy is, but I still wish I had access to a trainer close to home. Congratulations!